If you are used to the “moka” (Italian coffee pot) for making your own espresso, you know that limescale is your enemy. From time to time, you need to remove it from your coffee maker, or it’ll prevent your coffee from tasting good!
Machines of any shape and size are on the market for you to pick up your favourite way of preparing your espresso. But, especially if you have Italian origins, you might be sticking with the “moka”, the espresso pot. Using the coffee pot is one sure way to have a real good espresso, but it could happen that, at some point, your coffee starts to taste kind of burnt. It could also happen that the liquid struggles to come up. Both of these occurrences might mean it’s time to remove limescale from your tool! Important thing: only use natural methods if you don’t want to compromise your coffee’s taste forever!
How to clean your coffee pot from limescale
Remember: you should repeat your process more or less once every 30 days, if you use it at a normal rate, which would be around two times per day, every day.
What you need:
- Regular salt
- Water
- Vinegar (the white wine one)
- Fill the base of your pot with 50% water and 50% vinegar
- Add in a pinch of salt, close the “moka”, put it on the stove and turn it on
- Wait for the liquid to come up in the upper part of your tool
By following this simple procedure, you have managed to perfectly clean tour coffee maker.
Now, to make sure no weird flavour will stay within your coffee maker:
- put on a regular coffee with your coffee maker by using ground coffee
- once the coffee has come out, use it instead of water to make coffee again
Now you have a perfectly clean and ready to be used espresso pot!