You might not know about it, but we have the perfect remedy for headache: coffee+lemon!
Coffee and Lemon: the perfect solution
Chinese people always used coffee and lemon to cure headache, and modern western medicine proved it to be really effective!
Headache? Try lemon and coffee
If you suffer from a headache from stress, a bad day or fatigue, you can most certainly make it go away by adding some lemon juice to your espresso. It is a totally different situation if your headache comes from a generic factor or other kind of diseases.
We are talking about what is medically called a “vascular headache”, which is, anyway, the most common type. It’s the one we all experience sometimes. It happens when your blood vessels swell and get inflamed, affecting the regular circulation and the quantity of oxygen that gets to you brain.
As you might have experienced, this is a condition that can really affect your regular functioning by affecting your sight, hearing and mental clearness. It’s better to take action as soon as the pain manifests itself, better if with natural solutions like coffee and lemon.
How can coffee and lemon cure a headache?
The vasoconstrictive action from the caffeine, lets your blood vessel go back to their normal status. This is the main element that helps alleviate your pain.
The lemon, on its side, boosts the amount of oxygen in your blood. Also, thanks to the high concentration of citric acid, it enhances the caffeine absorption, by increasing even more the caffeine’s beneficial effects.
You will feel better already after 20 to 30 mins after having this miraculous drink!
Not only a headache remedy
You might not want to believe it, but coffee with a little bit on lemon is also delightful! That’s why, especially in the southern part of Italy where lemons are harvested and widely used, coffee is often paired with a lemon cream (think about the more common hazelnut or pistachio ones, but with lemon instead). This delicious version unfortunately, can’t do much against your headache, because of the sugars in the cream.
So now you know, instead of swallowing pills, next time you experience a headache, just add a few drops of lemon to your coffee! Then, as a reward, you can also have the lemon cream and coffee we told you about, of course (by the way, it’s not that hard to make lemon cream at home)
You are not having headache but you want coffee? You can just go for more regular coffee-based drinks: what about a coffee milkshake? Not feeling like drinking but still want to have coffee? You must try our coffee panna cotta recipe!